To make your secure online credit card contribution, click the button below. Your 100% tax deductible contribution will be made to the Virginia Association of Free & Charitable Clinics, which provides support services to free and charitable clinics in Virginia. All funds will be distributed to the free clinics across the state, enabling them to continue providing the services that are essential to their communities.
To make your donation in the form of a check made out to Virginia Association of Free & Charitable Clinics, please mail to:
Virginia Association of Free & Charitable Clinics
1801 Libbie Avenue, Suite 104
Richmond, VA 23226
If you would like to make your donation by telephone or speak with a staff member about other forms of contribution, please call (804) 340-3434.
Free clinics are doing vital work to meet the healthcare needs of the community, and we need your support more than ever.
Together, we can move one step towards a Virginia where all people have access to comprehensive, quality healthcare by supporting and advocating for our member clinics so that hardworking individuals and families are protected from healthcare crises.